Monday, January 07, 2008

Wave good-bye to Fiona, she is on her way to a collector in California. She was great fun to create and it is gratifying when someone else appreciates your work...and, talk about work!

It took more than a month, off and on, to get the design, the dress, the hair, and face just right. It's hard to tell by just looking at her but there is an enormous amount of work in the face alone. You start with a flat piece of fabric and through shaping and dyeing and stuffing produce the general shape of the face. Then needle sculpting is done to add dimension so that a recognizable nose and cheek bones are suggested and after all that the details of the face are added with pen and ink and paint. And then she needs hair and a body and arms, legs, seems to go on forever.

I'm so attached to Fiona I'm tempted to use the UPS tracking number to follow her progress across the country....but, no, that would be going too far.

Time to move on.

Next to be added to will be a classic collector's Raggedy Ann doll. She should be ready to make her appearance by Wednesday (Jan 9). I'll have a preview look available here, hopefully tomorrow.

And, where Raggedy Ann goes, Raggedy Andy must soon follow.