Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hydrangeas have been added to this part of our yard and we hope the deer will leave them alone.

I'm not much of a gardener. My mother, on the other hand, was quite amazing. She could make anything grow. She used to pick up clippings from places she and my Dad visited and, somehow, she'd get them to grow. I struggle with this illusive art and keep on trying, in spite of my failures, because I absolutely love the variety of colors and views a beautiful garden can create.

Our yard is pretty well landscaped already but it lacks variety and pizzaz. My mother's gardens always included hydrangea. I hated them...sticks poking out all over, that dead look they get after the blooms dry up and the green is gone. Never knowing what to clip off at that point in the season and what to keep.

Years have gone by and now I am totally in love with hydrangeas. Their flowers are as beautiful dried as they are when in bloom. There is a cheerfulness to them too. I decided the time was right to give them a try and now we have two, one planted and one waiting to be planted. One is a beautiful blue and it is called Endless Summer. The other starts out with huge white blossoms and turns a pretty blush pink color as the flowers age. That one is called Blushing Bride.

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I really hope the deer don't eat them and that they thrive here. Our deer appear to have no standards at all when it comes to what they will eat. They have eaten my petunias and I thought deer hated them. They have eaten the hostas and my tomatoes and even the poison ivy wasn't spared. The deer are somewhat protected here and they take full advantage of it.

We have acquired a rabbit who seems to split his time between our house and our neighbor's place. He eats things too but I forgive him for that because he is quite cute. I'll be weaving and glance out the window and there he'll be, munching away at some vegetation. I think he actually winked at me last week.

This pretty rabbit is not the wild one who sometimes lives in our yard, but, he is cute, isn't he? No, this is Truman bunny and he lives in Martinsburg, WV with our friends with the beautiful gardens.

And so it goes in wonderful Athens Georgia...

Helleborus...one of the things I'll plant this summer.

This is the knockout rose that we planted outside our new room.